The Employee Tracker allows small business owners to keep track of their employees information using a single platform instead of having to deal with multiple data management tools. Through a simple and intuitive graphical user interface, business owners can record and view their employees information.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest employeetracker.jar here.
  3. Copy employeetracker.jar to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Employee Tracker.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds. Note that the app contains some sample data. Ui
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    Some example commands you can try:
    • add n/Rachel Lee r/Designer p/91648917 e/ a/BLK 730 Woodlands Road #15-150 b/1988-01-02 j/2020-09-01 s/8000 t/Founder t/l33tCoder: Adds an employee record.
    • list: Lists all employee records.
    • delete 3: Deletes the 3rd employee record shown in the current list.
    • sort n: Sorts all employee records based on Name in alphabetical order.
    • find n/Rachel: Finds all employee records with Rachel in its Name field.
    • stats: Shows summary statistics of employees.
  6. Refer to Features below for details of each command.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    E.g. The parameter INDEX in the command delete INDEX.

  • Parameters in square brackets are optional. E.g. The parameter [s/SALARY] in edit INDEX [n/NAME] [r/ROLE] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [b/DATE_OF_BIRTH] [j/DATE_OF_JOINING] [s/SALARY] [t/TAG]…

  • Parameters with after them can be included multiple times.
    E.g. The parameter KEYWORD in the command find TYPE/KEYWORD….

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    E.g. The command add requires a few parameters such as n/NAME, e/EMAIL and r/ROLE. Placing these parameters in any order is acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but is specified multiple times, only the last occurrence of this parameter will be taken.
    E.g. If n/John Lam n/John Lee is specified in the add command, only n/John Lee will be taken.

  • Unneeded parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit , stats and clear) will be ignored.
    E.g. The command help 123 will be interpreted as help.

Viewing help : help

Shows the URL of the user manual.

help message

Format: help

Adding an employee record : add

Adds an employee record to the Employee Tracker.


  • NAME must only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces. E.g. John Doe.
  • PHONE_NUMBER must be a number that is at least 3-digit long. E.g. 98714821, 67617361.
  • EMAIL must be in local-part@domain format. E.g.
  • DATE_OF_BIRTH must be in yyyy-MM-dd format and must not be in the future. E.g. 1990-12-25.
  • DATE_OF_JOINING must be in yyyy-MM-dd format. E.g. 2020-09-01.
  • SALARY must be a positive integer. E.g. 4000, 3000.
  • TAG must be alphanumeric. E.g. Founder, l33tCoder.
:bulb: Note: All employee records must have a unique combination of name and date of birth. A new employee record will not be added if there is an existing employee record with the same name and date of birth.
:bulb: Tip: An employee record can have any number of tags (including 0).

Example of usage:

  • add n/Rachel Lee r/Designer p/91648917 e/ a/BLK 730 Woodlands Road #15-150 b/1988-01-02 j/2020-09-01 s/8000 t/Founder t/l33tCoder

Listing all employee records : list

Lists all the employee records in the Employee Tracker.

Format: list

Editing an employee record : edit

Edits an employee record in the Employee Tracker.


  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the list of employee records.
  • INDEX must a positive integer. E.g. 1, 2, 3
  • At least one of the optional parameters must be provided.
  • The employee record indicated by the index number will be edited.
  • NAME must only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces. E.g. John Doe.
  • PHONE_NUMBER must be a number that is at least 3-digit long. E.g. 98714821, 67617361.
  • EMAIL must be in local-part@domain format. E.g.
  • DATE_OF_BIRTH must be in yyyy-MM-dd format and must not be in the future. E.g. 1990-12-25.
  • DATE_OF_JOINING must be in yyyy-MM-dd format. E.g. 2020-09-01.
  • SALARY must be a positive integer. E.g. 4000, 3000.
  • TAG must be alphanumeric. E.g. Founder, l33tCoder.
  • All existing tags for this employee record will be removed if TAG is not provided in the [t/TAG] parameter. E.g. edit 1 t/.
  • Editing tags will remove all existing tags for this employee record. E.g. If an employee record 1 has tags Mentor and l33tCoder, edit 1 t/WiseGuy will result in this employee record only having the tag WiseGuy.

Example of usage:

  • edit 1 p/91821748 s/9000 t/Mentor t/l33tCoder

Deleting an employee record : delete

Deletes the specified employee from the Employee Tracker.

Format: delete INDEX

  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the list of employee records.
  • INDEX must a positive integer. E.g. 1, 2, 3
  • The employee record indicated by the index number will be deleted.

Examples of usage:

  • list followed by delete 2 deletes the 2nd employee record shown in the list of employee records.

  • find n/Rachel followed by delete 1 deletes the 1st employee record in the list generated by the find command.

Sorting employee records : sort

Sorts the list of employee records in the Employee Tracker.

Format: sort TYPE

  • TYPE must be the letter n, s, j or b.
  • If TYPE is n, the employee records will be sorted based on name in alphabetical order.
  • If TYPE is s, the employee records will be sorted based on salary in increasing order.
  • If TYPE is j, the employee records will be sorted based on date of joining from the earliest date to the latest date.
  • If TYPE is b, the employee records will be sorted based on date of birth from the earliest date to the latest date.
  • The TYPE is case-insensitive. E.g. sort type N will match n.

Example of usage:

  • sort n

Finding employee records : find

Finds employee records that have any of the given keywords in their name/role/address/date of birth/phone number.

Format: find TYPE/KEYWORD…

  • TYPE must be the letter n, r, a, b or p.
  • If TYPE is n, the search will be based on name.
  • If TYPE is r, the search will be based on role.
  • If TYPE is a, the search will be based on address.
  • If TYPE is b, the search will be based on date of birth.
  • If TYPE is p, the search will be based on phone number.
  • The search is case-insensitive. E.g. keyword john will match John.
  • Only exact words will be matched. E.g. keyword Joh will not match John.
  • Exception for the phone number search: it allows a partial match of value at least 3 digits long.
  • Employee records matching at least one keyword will be returned. E.g. keywords John Wong will return John Lam and Bernice Wong.

Example of usage:

  • find n/David Bernice result for 'n/David Bernice'

Clearing all employee records : clear

Clears all employee records from the Employee Tracker.

Format: clear

Viewing summary statistics : stats

Shows summary statistics of employees including:

  • Total employees.
  • Total salary.
  • Highest, lowest and average salary.
  • Longest, shortest and average tenure.

Format: stats

Exiting the program : exit

Exits the Employee Tracker app.

Format: exit

Saving the data

There is no save command because any change to the data in the Employee Tracker will be automatically saved.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Go to the Employee Tracker’s root folder in the current computer. Copy the data folder and paste it into the Employee Tracker’s root folder in the new computer. Click Yes if the system prompts you for confirmation of overwriting.

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Help help
E.g. add n/Rachel Lee r/Designer p/91648917 e/ a/BLK 730 Woodlands Road #15-150 b/1988-01-02 j/2020-09-01 s/8000 t/Founder t/l33tCoder
List list
E.g. edit 1 p/91821748 s/9000 t/Mentor t/l33tCoder
Delete delete INDEX
E.g. delete 2
Sort sort TYPE
E.g. sort n
E.g. find n/David Bernice, find r/Developer, find a/Serangoon, find b/1992-05-28, find p/910
Stats stats
Clear clear